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Just an Update…

Wow. I did not realize it’s been a month and a half since I last posted! I think a bit of an update is an order. Let me start by saying, thank you to all of the people who reach out to me when I poof for a bit. I do appreciate your concern for my well-being. I’m quite an introvert, so when things are kind of bumpy, I tend to retreat into myself to deal with things. Let’s me give you an update…

1. My brain is in a pretty level place again. I dealt with the difficulties that came up, using many of the suggestions and points I’ve put out there. Tides rise, tides fall. Just the nature of Bipolar Disorder, really.

2. I had been working on an ebook over the past several months. About a month ago, while trying to communicate a point, I had an epiphany. The realization struck me that I did not understand what I was talking about well enough to create a piece of work that would stand up to scrutiny. I don’t talk about my creative process a great deal, but I spend a lot of time polishing to ensure that my writing won’t be harmful. And I don’t feel like what I was working on abides by that rule. I have decided to shelf that work for the time being and shift my focus to something else.

3. I previously announced that I was working on a podcast. This has turned out to be more challenging than initially anticipated. I am still working towards this, but I’m not sure when it’s going to come, exactly. Yay for teaching myself new things…and all of the things that inevitably go wrong in that process. The podcast is shifting to be a main focus for me. I think it will offer a lot of value.

Anyway, I hope things are going well for you all! Thank you for being here, for reading my work, and the support you show me. I do appreciate it.



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15 replies on “Just an Update…”

Thanks for your candor, Dennis. I particularly appreciate that about you and this post. You handled the delay between posts very professionally too. We WERE wondering where you were, even those of us who didn’t ask after you. Glad you’re back.

Yes, absolutely. But it’s not something that anyone can really make a blanket statement on. If you’d like to run your situation by me, please feel free to do so, either here or you can email me at and I’ll respond to you as soon as I can.

Also, do note I have edited your display name. Do not use your full or real name when discussing your or a loved one’s mental illness on the internet. You don’t want Google to associate your name with those posts and turn up in search engine results if someone decided to Google your name later.

Hi Dennis. Thanks for the update. Wishing you the very best in your endeavors…I missed your posts…

So glad to know you’re well, Dennis. I have been following your blog for years now and it’s always a source of comfort in my quest to understand mental illness, even if not necessarily bipolar disorder. Good luck, friend.

Glad you’re well. Excited for the podcast. Love that idea, good luck (and yes yay) to figuring it out!

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