
Atypical and Classic Bipolar Disorder

Hey y’all. I just wanted to point you to this video, and Dr. Tracey Marks’s Youtube channel. She has a lot of great videos about Bipolar Disorder, including this one that succinctly explains something I’ve been trying to articulate for years – the difference between classic and atypical Bipolar Disorder. Do check it out!

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4 replies on “Atypical and Classic Bipolar Disorder”

Thank you so much for sharing. It made so much sense and really helped me understand why certain medications haven’t worked in the past and why my symptoms are different than the textbook version.

You’re welcome, Sharon. That was a struggle for me too. I’m glad the video helped.

Thanks for posting this opinion is that the more information we can get, the more it will help everyone. Nice to see you posting and hope all is well..

You’re right about that. Things are going well for me. I hope they are for you too.

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